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Learn more about our goals and policies.

Dear Parents,
It is a pleasure to welcome each family to a new year at Grant Preschool. We attribute much of our success to the participation and support from so many outstanding families. As always, we encourage your suggestions and input throughout the school year.


The goal of Grant Preschool is to encourage children to maximize growth cognitively, emotionally, socially, and physically. Our teaching staff is trained to meet the needs of the whole child in a loving and respectful manner. Each child is treated as an individual personality with utmost importance being placed on self-esteem and verbalization of one’s feelings. It is our goal to provide a safe, nurturing environment while offering a wide range of activities that foster social skills, problem solving, and first and foremost, having fun while learning and growing.

Preschool Office

For questions regarding the program, contact:
Andrew Boesiger, (530) 243-0561 ext. 149
For accounting or scheduling questions, contact:
Lori Dick, (530) 243-0561 ext. 129

Preschool Policies

1. Fee Schedule

Grant Preschool has implemented the following tuition schedule. Monthly tuition shall be paid in advance by the 1st of each month. Tuition paid after the 5th of each month will incur a $5 penalty and tuition paid after the 10th of the month will incur a $20 penalty unless other arrangements have been made and approved by the preschool administrator.
Monthly Rates
(effective July 1, 2022)
  2 Days 3 Days 4 Days 5 Days
7:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. $210 $315 $419 $524
7:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. $277 $409 $542 $681
7:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. $307 $467 $615 $733
The annual registration fee for preschool is $75 with a 10% discount on registration for additional siblings. The registration fee is due by the first day of the fall session. Registration fees are dedicated for the purchase of new equipment, materials, and supplies and for the defrayment of the cost of parties.
There is no refund of fees and no adjustment for days the child does not attend. The holiday schedule for preschool will be given out on the first day of the fall session.
Accounts that are not paid in full by the last day of the month may constitute grounds for termination. A two-week written notification of withdrawal from preschool is required.

2. Returning Fall Enrollment

a. Families attending the three-year-old preschool during the school year and who drop enrollment during the summer will be required to pay their August tuition in order to secure a spot for their child/children in the fall four-year-old program. This payment is due by June 1st of each year.
b. In order to lessen the impact on families with multiple students in the three-year-old program, the following payment scale will be utilized for reserving a spot for the fall program.
  • One student: Pay one month of tuition to hold a spot in the fall program.
  • Additional students: Pay 25% of one month of tuition per additional student to hold a spot in the fall program.
  • The one-month tuition fee shall be based on the number of days the student is scheduled to attend in the fall.

3. Vacation

Each child who attends five days per week will be allowed a one-week vacation each year without charge. The preschool must be informed in writing of such absences at least one week in advance.

4. Late Pick-Up Policy

Parents picking a preschooler up after 6:00 p.m. will receive a penalty fee as described below:
In deference to our staff, all children must be picked up from the preschool by 6:00 p.m. Parents picking their child up after 6:00 p.m. will pay a $15 penalty fee and will be charged $1 per minute thereafter. Parents who anticipate being late should call the preschool and advise us of that. In the event the preschool staff cannot locate a parent or another authorized person to pick up the child, the Shasta County Child Protective Services will be called at 8:00 p.m.

5. New Enrollment

  • A current immunization record is required before a child may attend.
  • A physician’s health screening is required within 30 days of enrollment. (See attached form).
  • A child’s enrollment is confirmed upon the receipt of registration packet and registration fee.
Depending on availability in each classroom, the waiting list vacancies will be filled in chronological order. Preference will be given to children who live in the Grant School District until April 1st of each year.

6. Updates

Parents are responsible for any changes to thier contact information or account information on the Brightwheel app.

7. Medical Emergency Procedure/Accident

  • Injuries of a Minor Nature (small cuts, bruises, bumps, etc.)
  • Staff will give necessary first aid and parents will be notified immediately via Brightwheel app.
  • If the injury appears of a more serious nature, the parents will be notified for further instructions.
  • Serious Injuries
  • A staff member will call the ambulance and then make contact with the parents or other emergency contact.
  • First aid will be given by staff until the ambulance arrives. Staff members are certified in first aid and CPR.
  • An accident report will be sent home following a serious injury.
  • A report will be filed by the preschool to Child Protective Services in the event that staff suspects a child of being abused in any way (physically, sexually, or emotionally). The staff is required by the state to file such a report. The preschool is not required to notify parents of such a report.

8. Health & Medication Policies

Children must be symptom-free to attend preschool.  Children returning to school from an illness must be symptom free for 24 hours. Children who become ill at school will be isolated until parents arrive to pick them up. Children must be picked up within one hour.
A prescription or an over-the-counter drug must be sent with a signed request (using the approved form) from the doctor and must include:
  • the date.
  • the name of the child.
  • the name of the medicine.
  • the amount to be given.
  • the time of day it needs to be given and how often it needs to be given.
  • the number of days it needs to be given.
  • the medicine in its original container.
  • a “Request for Medication to be Taken during School Hours” form, which is signed by both the physician and the parent. Instructions must be given by the physician.

9. Fire Drill/Emergency Evacuation  

Safety drills are held two times a month. Please ask for a copy of the Emergency Disaster Plan. Should the preschool be closed due to inclement weather or another emergency, you will be notified by Brightwheel message/ParentSquare and via the radio station, KQMS FM, or TV station, KRCE Channel 7. If Grant Elementary School is closed, the preschool will also be closed.

10. Discipline Policy

Because self-discipline and responsibility are primary goals taught at Grant Preschool, children are handled in an individual and appropriate manner when behavior modification is required. Each child’s personality, needs, and response to modification measures are taken into consideration. The parents’ involvement and suggestions regarding their child’s behavior are encouraged and discussed daily until inappropriate behavior subsides. Our goal at Grant Preschool is to encourage and guide your preschoolers to become happy, independent individuals who obtain problem-solving skills through the following.
  • Redirection: removing the child from the problem area and involving the child in an activity of a less stressful nature.
  • Positive reinforcement: acknowledging and praising good behavior; ignoring negative behavior when possible.
  • Problem-solving skills: teaching non-aggressiveness through discussion; discussing the consequences of bad choices and talking about the other child’s feelings.
  • Removing privileges: immediately denying a fun activity or privilege when appropriate.
Under no circumstances is corporal punishment implemented or any action or words used that may embarrass or demean the child.

Through these strategies, the Grant Preschool teaching staff strives to teach repetition of good behavior and qualities needed for acceptance in a group. We support the children in thinking through problems so that the child is hopefully able to recognize that negative behavior is non-productive. Obviously, the overall safety and comfort of all our preschoolers are of utmost importance. Therefore, extreme and repeated behavior problems may require immediate suspension.

Your support and ideas are greatly appreciated and are always welcome in our endeavor to create the best preschool situation possible for your child.
Please ask to review the teacher’s manual, activity booklets, monthly calendar, and special projects for each month of the year. We are very proud of our program as it is extremely comprehensive and yet allows our kids to be kids through fun and play. We look forward to another fun and exciting year watching your children develop and grow into self-assured responsible students.

Classroom Policies

1. Arrival Time

Our school day starts at 8:30 a.m. exactly. In deference to the children and staff, please be prompt. Interruptions are very costly both in time and schedule. Preschoolers do not regroup very quickly or effectively. Our facility is open at 7:00 a.m. for before-school care. Please use the Brightwheel app to message if your child will be absent.

2. Lunches

Children must bring a lunch from home or receive a hot lunch from the Grant School cafeteria. Nutritious snacks are provided twice daily at 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Please notify us of any special dietary requirements on the attached form. Currently lunches for students are free at this time.

3. Sign In/Out Procedures

Parents are to walk their children into the classroom and sign them in upon arrival and sign them out upon departure.

4. Pre-K Island Pick-Up

A staff member will be available to pick children up at the parent pick-up/island between 8:20 to 8:25 a.m. and will escort them to the pre-K class. Also, a staff member will escort pre-K children to the island for parent pick-up between 12:30 to 12:40 p.m.

5. Preschool Parties

  • Halloween
  • Winter Holiday
  • Spring Party
  • End of Year Party
A short program is presented by the children for the parents on each party day. These programs start at 8:40 a.m. exactly and end at 9:15 a.m. promptly. These programs are always fun and adorable and are an excellent way for our preschoolers to gain self-confidence while having fun. Video cameras are welcome.
The children’s parties start at 9:30 a.m. and end at 11:30 a.m. Notices will be posted regarding each party and will specify what each parent should bring.

6. Birthdays

We love to celebrate your child’s birthday in the classroom. You can bring store-bought treats.

7. Personal Items

Children are welcome to bring a special blanket or stuffed animal that gives them special comfort—no bottles or sippy cups are allowed. As a general rule, however, toys are not welcome, as they are a high risk for damage in a large group.

8. Group Time

Our program is configured into groups within which children work. Basic preschool skills are taught through games which also encourage healthy problem-solving skills and respect for others. Children progress at their own interest rate into pre-math and phonics skills. Our program produces many early readers while in pre-kindergarten.

9. Preschool Holidays

Please refer to a current Grant School calendar for a list of holidays when the Grant Preschool will be closed. There will be no refunds of fees or adjustments for days the child does not attend. Children who attend the Mondays listed below will receive a credit.
  • Labor Day
  • Martin Luther King Day
  • Lincoln’s Birthday
  • President’s Day
  • Memorial Day

10. Backpacks

Every child needs a backpack. It helps keep notes, lunchboxes, artwork, and extra clothes together.

11. Diapers/Change of Clothes

Diapers/pull-ups are not allowed at this facility. There is an exception for children who nap. These children may wear a pull-up while napping. Children need to bring an extra change of clothes in case of an accident. If your child has an accident, we will help them change. If there are multiple accidents, we will schedule a meeting with the parents to evaluate the problem. Repeated accidents may require immediate suspension.

12. Parent Volunteers

Parents are welcome to volunteer in the classroom. Please talk to your child’s teacher to let them know about your interest.  All volunteers must bring a copy of their immunization record or proof of boosters for TDAP, MMR, and the flu vaccine.  Check-in to Raptor system in the school office.

13. Classroom Contacts

  • Two- & Three-Year-Old Program (Yellow House): (530) 243-0561 ext. 209/210
  • Pre-K Program: (530) 243-0561 ext. 130
Feel free to contact your child’s teacher at any time.

14. Schedule of Daily Activites

4 Year Program

7:00–8:30 Free play (discovery center)
8:30–9:00 Calendar (share, story, etc.)
9:00–9:45 Outdoor play
9:45–10:00 Snack
10:00–11:00 Group time (large motor skills, small motor skills, math, science, and art curriculum)
11:00–11:30 Lunch
11:30–11:45 Share
11:45–1:45 Free play, outside play
1:45 Full and ¾ time students continue in after-school program

Additional Classes:

  • Music (with the Grant School music teacher): twice a week
  • Library: weekly
  • Cafeteria: daily at 11:00 a.m.

Two- & Three-Year-Old Programs

7:00–8:30 Free play (discovery center)
8:30–9:10 Calendar (share, story, etc.)
9:10–9:40 Outdoor play
9:45-10:00 Snack
10:00–11:00 Centers (art, letters, numbers, math, etc.)
11:00–11:45 Outdoor play
11:45–12:15 Lunch
12:15–1:45 Quiet play
1:45 Full and ¾ time students continue in after-school program

Additional Classes:

  • Music (with the Grant School music teacher): twice a week
  • Naps available: 12:45–2:30

Preschool After-School Program

1:45–3:00 Outdoor play
3:00–3:30 Story time
3:30–3:45 Snack
3:45–6:00 Free play
6:00 Preschool closes

Grant School District Mission Statement

The Grant Elementary School District is committed to building an integrated learning community based upon the principles of dignity, competence, and individual achievement.
We prepare students for the future.

District Goals:

  • To develop basic academic skills.
  • To develop responsibility and citizenship skills.
  • To develop confidence.
  • To develop lifelong independent learning skills.
  • To promote and provide ongoing educational opportunities.
  • To provide a stimulating, rich, and disciplined learning environment.


We believe….
  • That every child has the ability to be successful.
  • That every child deserves to be educated in a positive learning environment.
  • That parents are the key to the success of every child.
  • That home-to school partnerships are essential to educational programs.
  • That well-trained, highly skilled, and committed educators are fundamental to our mission.
Children who are between the ages of two years and five years of age who are of any sex, race, creed, nationality, or religious beliefs are admitted to Grant Preschool.